Adjudicator Shirou - APO/S53-E036 - R Tweet Out of stock. Wishlist Details Card Name: Apocrypha Shirou Card Number: APO/S53-E036 Card Text: ?AUTO? When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, this card gets +1500 power until end of turn. ?AUTO? When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, you may choose a ?Master? or ?Servant? character in your waiting room, and return it to your hand. ?AUTO? ?CXCOMBO? [(2) Put a card named Before the Throne Assassin of Red from your hand into your waiting room] This ability activates up to one time per turn. When this card's battle opponent becomes ?REVERSE?, if a card named Conflict of Desires is in your climax area, you may pay the cost. If you do, ?STAND? this card. Color: Red Cost: 2 Level: 3 Power: 9500 Rarity: R Side: S Soul: 2 Traits: Master - Servant Trigger: 1 Type: Character Set Name: Fate/Apocrypha