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Agricola: World Championship Deck - 2011

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  • Description

    The WM-Deck for Agricola is a new set of cards for Uwe Rosenberg’s boardgame hit. The 60 Minor Improvements and 55 Occupations are divided into 5 Mini-Decks and were created for the first Agricola World Championship 2011 in Vienna. The card set was designed and tested by users of the internet portal Play-Agricola. Play there and create your own cards!

    The five mini-decks can be shuffled together to form a single deck that can be played by itself or mixed into some or all of the EGIK decks. Or, you can play the mini-decks.

    How to play the Mini-Decks
    There are several ways to play the minidecks (labelled alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon)

    • To learn to utilize the decks: each player gets one deck and discards down to 7 occupations and 7 minor improvements.

    Either randomize who's getting what deck or (for experienced players) let players bid for the decks they want to play.

    • Or: Play a Booster Draft. Each player gets a deck. First, draft Occupations in clockwise direction until everyone has 7. Then, draft Improvements counter-clockwise until everyone has 7.
    • Or: play any other draft format where you need boosters.

    courtesy of Hanno Girke (Lookout Games)

    Authors (and play-agricola.com usernames)
    Abe Lewis (alweth), Bastian Winkelhaus (zlorfik), Ben Wells (bjwells), Brian Hartwig (toxodon), Brian Yow (synegg), Bryann Turner (btizo), Chao-Yue Lai (colby), Chien-Chih Lin (beso), Chris Deotte (chris), Chris Thibodeau (tibs), Chup Ching Chan (ccc), Dan Schwab (schwza), Daniel Leser (agentricola), David Shank (goatpig), Florian Scholl (isch), Hunter Stenzel (hunter), Ira Fay (ira), I-Sheng Yang (jingking), James Klemm (armyguy), Joe McClure (watchman), Jordan Svien (inoshishi), Juan Manuel García García (juuh!), Justin Joshua Schleifer (jedi), Keith Gell (keith), Kevin Richardson (playerx), Kevin Street (smack), Laura Osborne (agrigal), Lee Harris (ldsdbomber), Lee Hendricks (Glengarry), Matthew Goh (mattgoh88), Michael Kaltman (coyotek4), Mike Tanner (tacticus), Nicu Zavada (hala), Norbert Szongott (letsdance), Pere Jaume Cano Cuello (senseless), Raffi Grinberg (jamaicanworm), Ramón del Val (braggart), Ricky Boyes (itsaratio), Sergio Costa (slim), Stefan Wong (ss), Stijn Duyzer (stijn263), Thomas Schoß (tom), Tony Boydell (tonyboydell), Trey Alsup (trey)

    For deck history and all 370+ users that helped, see: History of the World Championship Deck

    Online Play: Play-Agricola



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